How to Get Ready for Mondays (And Not Die Trying)

Published by Manuela Palacio on

It is Sunday, arguably the best day of the week. Christians got it right by deciding it should be a day of rest. Sunday should be all about comfy pyjamas, late lunches, and loads of doing absolutely nothing. But, as the day dies, we are all probably filled with dread, not content; Monday is coming. And it’s coming for all of us.

I for one, am the biggest detractor of Mondays. I decided to work from home on Mondays just to partially erase their existence. Still, and hear me out on this, there’s no need to hate Mondays with as much passion as I do. There’s a simple trick to tune down our intense dislike: getting ready. It’s like putting on an armor before battle or preparing a presentation before giving it to quell nerves, it’s all about readiness. So here are some great ways you can prepare for your Monday, and not die trying.

  • Organize your week

Write down all the stuff you have to do for this week. Create a to-do list and decide which are your top 3 priorities for Monday. This will help you face the upcoming week in an orderly fashion and get everything ready before you start.

  • Prepare your meals

Prepare your meals for the work week. No need to go all master-chef; prepare simple food you can fit in your Tupperware. Also, preparing “snack bags” is a great idea. Cut up some fruit, maybe some cookies, and yogurt, and put them in a bag, one for each day of the week.

  • Clean EVERYTHING up

Your house, your bag, and your electronic devices. Do your laundry as well. There’s nothing more frustrating than coming home after an exhausting week to find dirty dishes, unwashed socks, and general clutter. Doing an all-out cleaning session on Sundays will also get rid of all the mess of the past week so you can start the next one fresh and ready.

  • Pack your bag

And listen to me on this one. Monday mornings have a tendency to be so hectic it is unnatural. So, packing your bag the day before will let you get out of that door without worrying whether you have your keys or not (Also, it’ll save some minutes that can be spent hitting the snooze button).

  • Exercise

Sundays are the best days to have a lengthy, intense exercise session. There’s enough time to workout and enough time to rest after (just imagine the naps!). What I do is I have a light breakfast, workout until 12, have a plentiful lunch and rest all the way until 4. By that time you’ll feel rested, full, and generally content to keep on going with your day.

  • Relax & Pamper yourself

Truly savour your Sunday. Take a long, warm bath. Go eat at your favourite restaurant. Finish that book that you’ve been meaning to. Watch a movie. Play video games. Go for a walk. Do what makes you happy. Remember the weekend is meant to recharge and to be enjoyed.

Categories: Productivity


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