7 Ways Any Project Manager Can Organize Better

Published by Gavin Donnelly on

As a project manager, you are basically a helicopter hovering above your project team and trying to see everything from a birds-eye view. With so many variables such as project schedules, tasks, budgets, and more, it can be hard to stay organized. However, if you follow these 7 pieces of advice, you will be able to organize better and be a better project manager in no time!

7 Ways to Be a More Organized Project Manager

1. Set expectations when you start a new project.

Before you begin a project, make sure that the expectations for the project are clear to everyone involved. This includes things like the quality of work you expect from your project team, which team members are responsible for which tasks, and how team members should communicate with you and each other. When you set these expectations early, your project is much more likely to stay organized through to its delivery.

2. Communicate with team members and stakeholders often.

Communication is key to keeping a project organized and on track. Make sure that your project team is in constant communication with you, and that you are communicating frequently with stakeholders. Communicate information about project updates, changes, and issues right away.

3. Keep a progress report and update it every day.

Take daily notes on project progress to help you write your weekly (or how ever often they are required) project management reports. This will not only save you time on reporting, but help you keep your thoughts organized and see how the project is advancing day by day. This way you can review your notes every day and at the end of the week, instead of trying to remember everything, and you’ll be able to provide updates to whoever needs them right away.

4. Meet with your team regularly and meet with purpose.

Set a schedule that works for everyone involved in your project to meet regularly. This helps facilitate communication and keeps everyone informed about project progress and updates. Make sure to set a placeholder on everyone’s calendars for your regular meetings, but cancel them if there are no updates or important talking points. Time is valuable, so make sure you are really using it when you hold meetings and not just meeting for the sake of it.

5. Set realistic time limits.

Break up work into smaller tasks with manageable deadlines. Make sure that whoever you assign tasks to will actually be able to complete them in the allotted amount of time, or you risk project delays and the whole project can become unorganized. When ensure that time limits are reasonable, your team will be less stressed, more organized, and more productive. If you do face any delays, make sure to communicate schedule delays to the team and stakeholders right away.

6. Delegate tasks effectively.

The ability to delegate tasks is one of the most valuable and necessary skills a project manager can develop. Dividing up tasks among project team members will reduce the pressure on any one individual. Make sure you know the strengths and weaknesses of your project team members and delegate tasks accordingly, so they get done efficiently.

7. Use project management software.

Project management software is a powerful tool to help any project manager organize better. With project management software, you can centralize your teams in one place, easily set timelines, delegate tasks, and communicate quickly. You can also see a project’s progress right in front of you at a glance by using methodologies like a Gantt chart, Kanban board, or to-do list. You can even export information directly from project management software to use in your PM reports. It is highly recommended to addPM software to your arsenal of project management wearponry to stay organized and get more projects done on time and under budget!


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