10 apps that will change your company forever!

Published by jose.munevar on

The sole aim of every company is to succeed and grow. That is why the need to attract customers is of imperative concern. This has led many companies to try out many techniques in order to achieve this goal. One such method is by having a strong online presence. This is usually done by the company when they open websites which feature and promotes their business interests.

However, certain applications can also make your company’s life way easier than it currently is. These apps are made basically for assisting such companies who are in need of a boost to kick-start their business or company. The following apps can achieve this. They are;


The business hangout app allows for a unified communication channel. In other words, this means that it provides a platform for the company to talk with their potential customer or partner. Not only is this quite amazing but it is also very cost effective and can change the life of your company forever


The idea which governs sketchboard is the ability to actually work with your team regularly. It does not stop there as sketchboard also allows for feedback for your team about their opinions about certain things which are up for discussion


This is one app which can help your company form charts, maps and other graphics which will help your company to be able to analyze a lot of statistics as it concerns your company. This is an excellent app which your company is bound to enjoy


Slack is literally where the magic is. Slack gives you the ability to work, hire or communicate freely with people which would be of benefit to your company. Slack also has your back and your company’s back and so will be a good way to boost your company


This tool or app allows for companies to design amazing visual content which can be customized t suit a device or a PC. It also gives your business the ability to create content in such forms as brochures and newspaper


This app allows your company to share other applications and can also screen recorder and serve to edit and customize documents. It could turn out to be a revelation for you and your company


This app allows you to c=record quality videos using the google drive which is available to your company. It could serve as a good tool and help your company greatly


Having issues with managing your time and schedule. Then you have good news because this is exactly what Tracktime is all about. It allows you to track your time spent on each activity and in effect manage your work time giving you the best you can take.


This app allows you to schedule a meeting with customers in an orderly fashion. With this app, you would be less likely to forget an all-important meeting with a client. Isn’t that remarkable?


The last but very far from the least is Workep. This app literally most of the functions of the earlier apps into one unique app which is sure to blow your minds. This app allows you to fix hangouts, calendar dates and so much more. Do not hesitate to get this app.

There are different apps which would make your company better. So it would be advisable to get one of them as soon as you can, give them a try and see how they can fit you, start by using one by one and then you will see the results. It will be worth it, we promise!

Categories: Productivity


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